Spring Quiz raises £15,000 of vital funds

Our fundraising event on Sunday was a huge success. We hosted 111 households worldwide and raised a staggering £15,000.

Over the years we have seen the transformative power of kindness. We have witnessed the impact that a warm meal and safe place to sleep can have on a person's life. We have seen hope and resilience in the face of adversity and we have seen what happens when communities come together to support one another. And on Sunday, once again, we were humbled by what can be achieved when people come together to support one another.

Our annual, online fundraising event brought together 111 households worldwide and raised a staggering £15,000. With thanks to our fantastic host Craig Squires, our quizmaster Ian Crooke and magician Pete Heat, we had a wonderful night of fun and entertainment, whilst at the same time raising vital funds for our work.

Some of the people we support have been affected by domestic abuse, homelessness, modern slavery and human trafficking; they have experienced unimaginable hardship. The money raised on Sunday will allow us to deliver £750,000-worth of essential goods to those that need it most.

These much needed funds mean we can deliver essential aid to people who are living in extraordinarily difficult circumstances. Whether it’s responding to the recent earthquake disaster in Türkiye-Syria, supporting families affected by the war in Ukraine or the Afghanistan crisis, or helping thousands of families, living in poverty in the UK, through the Covid pandemic and cost-of-living crisis, the money raised from events like this mean we can achieve more meaningful impact.

Some of the people we support have been affected by domestic abuse, homelessness, modern slavery and human trafficking; they have experienced unimaginable hardship. That's why we work tirelessly to provide basic necessities like clothing, bedding, toiletries and hygiene products to those who need it most. It can be hard to understand how something as simple as deodorant can make such a difference when it’s something we can buy without a second thought, but when you have nothing but the clothes you stand up in, and neither the money nor means to access every basics, donations such as shampoo, toothpaste and shower gel, really do impact lives. The financial support we receive means we can do more and reach more people in need.

The last year has been the most challenging period for us in our history, and without the generosity of our community and corporate partners we could not achieve these things. Our model means that for every £1 donated we can deliver the equivalent of £50-worth of everyday basic essentials. This means the money raised on Sunday will allow us to deliver £750,000-worth of essential goods to those that need it most, so we really are thankful to everyone who made it a success.

Support our work

By setting up a Direct Debit you can help us achieve more impact at scale. A donation of £10 a month, for a year, would mean the equivalent of £6,000-worth of essential aid could be sent to people in living desperate need all over the world. From a one-off gift to a regular donation you can set-up your donation really can make a difference to the lives of people living in extraordinarily difficult circumstances.


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