Lilly's Story

Having lost her home, when we met Lilly, she was living in a bedroom in a hostel with her three sons. Not only was Lilly's living situation challenging, which exacerbated her poor mental health, she was also struggling financially to feed and clothe her three sons as well as pay for travel to get them to school.  We came to meet Lilly through our charity partner Herts Young Homeless and were able to deliver clothing and toiletries for the care package she received, as well as some items which helped ease the anxiety and financial burden of buying items for her three sons for school.

Thank you for your kindness, it means a lot to know someone cares. I sometimes worry the boys will get bullied for what what they wear to school. I could never afford the amazing things you have given us and the boys are over the moon to have new things for school.

Lilly explained that her sons felt proud to wear the backpacks to school that we donated and that she was so grateful to Goods for Good as these were items she could never dream of being able to afford. She said, "Thank you for your kindness, it means a lot to know someone cares."

Help us support more people like Lilly

Goods For Good believes that no child should be disadvantaged because of their family’s financial situation but the reality for many of the people we support, means they have to make difficult decisions in order to clothe and feed their families, often foregoing other basic essentials such as heating and electricity. Every time you make a donation to Goods For Good you're helping to provide essentials to people,  like Lilly, living in desperate circumstances, enabling them to take care of themselves and remain focused on their lives. 



When you make a donation to Goods For Good, you’re not only providing families with necessary items for their children, you’re giving them hope when they are often at their lowest. By joining our community of monthly givers you will be making a real difference in the lives of those who do not have the means to help themselves. Help us support more people like Lilly and her three sons.


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