
We bring a powerful combination of practical aid and human kindness to those in greatest need. 

Over the past decade Goods For Good has achieved significant milestones in aiding vulnerable individuals, impacting the lives of almost 5.2 million people during their most challenging moments. This achievement is not just a statistic; it represents countless stories of hope restored and burdens lifted. It means providing essentials to families struggling to make ends meet, offering a glimmer of light in moments of despair. 

Your help provides something special that leaves an impact; the feeling that you're not alone. That somebody in the world is thinking about you and your needs.

 From a beneficiary living in extreme poverty

Download our 2022_2023 Annual Impact Report

By responding to the needs of those in war-torn Ukraine, supporting families fleeing from the Afghanistan crisis, and helping UK families in poverty suffering through the COVID pandemic and the cost-of-living catastrophe, Goods For Good is providing a lifeline of hope in the most challenging times our world has ever faced. There are countless stories that illustrate the profound impact of the support we provide; we have provided some below. The stories are all real and based on true events however, in order to protect our recipients' identities, in some instances the names and photos used are not real.

Every time you make a donation, you're helping to provide essentials to people living in desperate circumstances and enabling them to take care of themselves and remain focused on their lives. Become a Friend of Goods For Good and provide hope to hundreds of people every year. 


The Impact Of Our Work

SUrvivours of Trafficking

Empowering Survivors of Modern Slavery

Modern slavery leaves deep scars, both physical and emotional, and we understand that the journey from victim to survivor is challenging and complex. The essential we provide help make this journey possible. By working closely with organisations that provide specialised support, we provide items that help them run programs that are crucial for recovery.

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Overcoming Barriers To Education and Employment Through Sport And Numeracy

Partnering with Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership and Apex 360 we have helped deliver a transformative initiative in Hertfordshire as part of the national Multiply campaign. Aimed at boosting confidence with numbers among diverse communities the initiative helps individuals overcome barriers to education and employment through engaging activities that blend physical exercise with numeracy.

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Friday Night Project 1

Tackling Youth Related Anti-Social Behaviour in Hertfordshire's Most Deprived Areas

The Friday Night project was set up to tackle youth related anti-social behaviour and reduce crime. By providing essential sportswear and equipment, we helped remove barriers to access. This ensured every one of the 636 participants have been able to fully engage and benefit from the activities, promoting physical health and mental well-being as well as fostering a sense of pride and belonging in their community.

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back to school 4

Transforming Lives Through Education

Our collaboration with Practical Tools Initiative demonstrates the far-reaching impact of our Back to School efforts. By providing uniforms and sportswear to the working children of Freetown, we are enabling their access to education, helping them leave hazardous work environments behind, and opening doors to a brighter future filled with new opportunities.

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suited for success

Equipping Young People For Employment Success

Entering the workforce is a significant milestone for young people, representing the transition from education to professional life. This period can be both exciting and challenging, as it often involves navigating job interviews, internships, and the first experiences in a workplace environment. By supporting the School Uniform Project in Ladywell, Birmingham Goods For Good is playing a vital role in supporting young people during this critical transition; providing professional clothing and footwear so they are equipped to face their new challenges confidently.

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covid care package

Connecting Families During the Isolation of the Pandemic

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated lockdowns, families across the UK faced unprecedented challenges. Social isolation, overwhelming responsibilities, and a lack of practical support left many feeling isolated and in need of a lifeline. Our comprehensive approach - providing essential items, fostering connections, and addressing food insecurity - demonstrated the power of coordinated efforts in times of crisis.

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Girls in Sport

Empowering Girls Through Sport

The Afghan and Muslim Girls Football Club was started to encourage participation in sport and also to help the girls who attended with their mental and physical wellbeing. Goods For Good have been supporting the work they do helping young girls from migrant backgrounds gain access to sport.

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Stories From The People We Support

Adas story

Regaining Control After Years of Exploitation and Slavery: Ada's Story

Living in Nigeria Ada dreamt of a better future for herself and her two daughters. When a family friend offered her the chance of a new start in the UK, she was excited by the promise of stable employment and a safe place to live. When she arrived in the UK, Ada found herself trapped in a nightmare. Her supposed benefactor was a trafficker who forced her into debt and coerced her into sex work. Ada’s story highlights the critical issue of modern slavery and how crucial our role is in supplying toiletries, clothing, and other essentials to help make a difference in the lives of those affected by exploitation.

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Delivering Hope Thumbnail

Seeking Refuge from Abuse: Yvonne's Story

In the first 12 months of the pandemic we reached over one million people in desperate need; people like Yvonne, who fled with her children from an abusive relationship. Escaping an abusive environment is fraught with complexities and dangers. The pandemic added another layer of complexity, as shelters and support services were stretched thin and operating under restrictive conditions.

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Easing the Financial Burden: Lilly's Story

Mother of three, Lily found herself in a challenging situation after losing her home. Forced to live in a single bedroom in a hostel, she faced immense pressure, which significantly impacted her mental health. The limited space and lack of stability only exacerbated her stress, making it difficult for her to provide for her children.

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Integrating Refugee Children Through Sport: Abel's Story

Abel is just one of the 52 boys who have been able to take part in the All People Active Football Programme which was set up to support young refugees and local boys by providing them with a safe, secure environment to get active and interact with positive role models.

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Marko and Lavra's Story

Rebuilding Lives in the UK: Mykola and Svitlana's Story

When Mykola and Stivlana came to the UK from Ukraine, they were seeking a safer life for their young family. However, instead of security they found themselves in a constant battle to survive, to put food on the table, and to keep a roof over their heads.

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Pavlo Mykola and Olenas story

Navigating Financial Hardship: Pavlo, Olena and Ivan's Story

Amid the demanding cost of living crisis in the UK, Goods For Good has provided vital support to three Watford-based Ukrainian students, Pavlo, Olena and Ivan, offering a lifeline as they navigate financial hardships and strive to sustain themselves on £40 a month.

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Having a Baby and Homeless: Chioma's Story

Struggling to make ends meet, Chioma had her home taken from her and was forced to move into sheltered accommodation. We met Chioma through our Prams for Good initiative which matches families in need with new and pre-loved pushchairs.

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Fleeing Conflict in Sudan: Ramzi's Story

It took four years for Ramzi to reach safety in the UK. After fleeing Sudan with his brother he was imprisoned and tortured before being traded and enslaved in Libya. When Ramzi first made it to the UK he was sleeping rough, sometimes in dangerously low temperatures.

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Trafficked at 15: Karim's Story

Karim was 18 years old when he came to the UK. He was forced to flee his country at the age of 15 when his father was killed by the Houthi. He found himself in Libya where he was captured, trafficked . After spending three years on the streets and not having seen his mother for four years, Karim arrived in the UK completely broken.

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Dementia and Self-Care: Stan's Story

Stan has dementia and since losing his partner he no longer has a support network around him. Through our partnership with One Housing Group we were able to help Stan by providing him with essential hygiene goods and toiletries that he was unable to purchase for himself.

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Surviving After Loss: Yulia's Story

Yulia is eight years old and lives with her mother Nina. It is very hard for Nina raising Yulia by herself; the recent loss of her husband has caused huge financial strain but thanks to the support we’ve been able to provide she doesn’t lose hope.

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