Shoes For Little Feet



Did you know 600 million people worldwide don’t own a single pair of shoes and a staggering 300 million of these are children? This makes them extremely vulnerable to infection from soil-transmitted diseases and parasites.

For many of the people we support it's a sad reality that footwear is a luxury they simply can't afford. In some parts of the world without shoes, many children are not permitted to attend school and in the UK alone, over 4 million children are either wearing wrong-size shoes and/or shoes that are inadequate for their needs.

That's why we're proud to partner with Sal's Shoes, who take used, loved (and barely worn) children's shoes and deliver them to little feet in need around the world.

Our partnership with Sal's Shoes

We have been supporting Sal's Shoes since 2021; in the first year we delivered over 11,000 pairs of shoes for them to distribute to children hospitals, schools and orphanages in Haiti and Nigeria.

Shoes are relatively difficult to recycle because of all the different components they are made up of, so this partnership also fits with our mission to reduce waste and the negative impact it has on our shared planet. Like Sal's Shoes, we believe feet in shoes are protected feet, so we are pleased to be able to partner with them and deliver shoes to little feet in need all over the world.

Outgrown but not outwarn?

If you have a pair of children's shoes in good condition, contact our team to find out how to donate them to us. Please take the time to ensure your shoes are outgrown but not outworn, don’t have holes in soles, have laces if they need them, have had a quick clean and are rubber banded in pairs. 

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We are looking to build long-term partnerships so that together we can make a significant impact to the lives of people who need our support. Join our Humanitarian Aid Partnership and you'll be helping us source, store and deliver vital goods to those affected by war, conflict, natural disaster or those living in poverty. 

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