Celebrating Environmental Stewardship: Volunteer Howard Skolnick Wins Award For Innovative Waste Reduction Efforts

In a time where environmental sustainability is paramount, Goods For Good volunteer, Howard Skolnick has emerged as an innovator and change-maker, championing solutions to combat waste and preserve our planet. Today, we celebrate Howard's remarkable achievement as he receives an award for his contributions to waste reduction.

Howard was among 89 charity award winners at this year's JVN Awards which recognises volunteers across the charity sector for the valuable contributions they make.  

At the heart of Howard's award-winning efforts lies a commitment to tackling one of the UK's most pressing environmental challenges – textile waste. Annually, a staggering 354 tonnes of uniforms are discarded across the UK, contributing to the mounting burden on landfills and exacerbating environmental degradation.

With firsthand experience in the textile industry, Howard recognised the detrimental impact of excess inventory and unused uniforms on the environment. "I knew all too well that when schools change their uniform or logos, manufacturers and retailers like me were often left with large amounts of the old uniforms which were brand new but couldn’t be used.  

“Some years ago, I remember finding approximately 15,000 sweatshirts lying in a manufacturer’s warehouse. I got that company to donate them to a charity project to send clothes abroad then being run by Rosalind Bluestone, founder and CEO of humanitarian aid charity Goods For Good." recalls Howard, reflecting on his early involvement with Goods For Good in addressing textile waste.


Howard (Left) together with Goods For Good Founder and CEO Rosalind (middle) and volunteers Melanie and Alyson (right)

Recognising the urgency of this issue, Howard approached Rosalind with the idea of taking a stand at school-wear exhibitions.  This would enable Goods For Good to get their message out directly to those involved in making and selling the clothing and who almost certainly, at some point, would be burdened with piles of clothing they couldn’t move. 

Rosalind said: “I liked Howard’s idea very much and, I’m delighted to say, it has been and continues to be very successful for us. His award is well-deserved. There is also a very important environmental aspect to our work. We are taking perfectly good clothing – much more than just school uniforms – away from landfill sites and sending it to people in desperate need, people who have nothing.” 

Through his dedication and advocacy, Howard has demonstrated that sustainable practices not only protect the environment but also empower communities and drive positive social change. On receiving the award, Howard expressed his gratitude and reaffirmed his commitment to advancing sustainability.

I am deeply honoured to receive this award and grateful for the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on our planet. Every garment saved from the landfill represents a victory for environmental stewardship and a step towards a more sustainable future.

Howard's dedication to waste reduction has garnered recognition and raised awareness about the importance of sustainable consumption and responsible waste management practices. Together with Goods For Good, Howard has spearheaded a transformative approach to waste management and sustainability. By rescuing thousands of tonnes of uniforms from landfills, he has aided the charity in their mission to mitigate the environmental impact of textile waste.

In addition to celebrating Howard's award, we are thrilled to announce the accolades received by Alyson Martin (pictured above right) and Melanie Barnett (pictured above middle). Both Alyson and Mel have been recognised for their exceptional dedication to our cause, receiving the Volunteers of the Year award and the Team of the Year awards; a fitting tribute to their outstanding contributions to the community. Alyson and Mel have consistently gone above and beyond to support Goods For Good, and we are immensely grateful for their commitment and tireless efforts. Their passion and dedication have made a significant impact on our organisation and the lives of those we serve. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Alyson and Mel for their invaluable contributions to our cause.

Community Champions Alyson (right) and Mel (left) rally support to raise vital funds for victims of the Türkiye-Syria earthquake.

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