
JVN sustainability award

Celebrating Environmental Stewardship: Volunteer Howard Skolnick Wins Award For Innovative Waste Reduction Efforts

In a time where environmental sustainability is paramount, Goods For Good volunteer, Howard Skolnick has emerged as an innovator and change-maker, championing solutions to combat waste and preserve our planet. Together with Goods For Good, Howard has spearheaded a transformative approach to waste management and sustainability. Today, we celebrate Howard's remarkable achievement as he receives an award for his contributions to waste reduction.

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childhood poverty

A Childhood in the Shadows: The Struggles Faced by Children Living in Poverty in the UK

Growing up in poverty means facing a myriad of challenges that threaten a child’s well-being, education, and future opportunities. In the UK alone, the stark reality of poverty casts a long shadow over the lives of nearly five million children. These children find themselves trapped in a cycle of deprivation, where access to basic necessities and a stable environment are often luxuries.

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