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Unmasking the Reality of In-Work Poverty

While having a job may seem like a ticket to financial security, almost 8 million people in the UK are struggling to make ends meet despite being employed.Rising prices in housing, healthcare, education, and basic necessities like food and fuel have pushed countless families to their financial limits. Even with a job, many find themselves juggling multiple part-time positions or facing bleak choices such as paying bills or buying groceries.

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childhood poverty

A Childhood in the Shadows: The Struggles Faced by Children Living in Poverty in the UK

Growing up in poverty means facing a myriad of challenges that threaten a child’s well-being, education, and future opportunities. In the UK alone, the stark reality of poverty casts a long shadow over the lives of nearly five million children. These children find themselves trapped in a cycle of deprivation, where access to basic necessities and a stable environment are often luxuries.

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Back-to-School Blues: The Burden of School Uniform Costs Takes Its Toll

Amidst the backdrop of financial strain, the annual ritual of purchasing school uniforms has become an added hardship for many parents in the UK. In a nation where child poverty rates are unsettlingly high, the struggle to make ends meet has intensified, leaving many parents anxious about providing their children with the essentials they need for a successful academic year.

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A Struggle for Survival: The Unseen Realities of Ukrainian Families in the UK

In a world where the cost of living continues to rise, the challenge of making ends meet is an all too familiar story for many of the people we support. The stark contrast between government stipulations and the reality often leaves individuals struggling to bridge the gap,  as they find themselves grappling with rising expenses and stagnant wages. The result is a deeply troubling situation where many are left struggling to make ends meet, facing difficult decisions and sacrificing necessities just to get by.

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clothe a child

My 1st Years pledge to help us clothe 1 million children in need every year

Personalised children’s brand My 1st Years is today announcing that with every product purchased, they will support Goods For Good and clothe a child in need. This pledge of generosity is significant and will impact the lives of the people we support.  

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