
Moldova soccer school

Launching Gagauzia's first Soccer School

At Goods For Good, we stand for the power of sports to bring communities together and have a lasting impact.  Through our Sport For Good initiative, a significant step has been taken towards empowering the youth of Gagauzia, with the launch of the region's first soccer school.  We are proud to support our charity partner Hope4's in this life-changing project in Moldova.

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childhood poverty

A Childhood in the Shadows: The Struggles Faced by Children Living in Poverty in the UK

Growing up in poverty means facing a myriad of challenges that threaten a child’s well-being, education, and future opportunities. In the UK alone, the stark reality of poverty casts a long shadow over the lives of nearly five million children. These children find themselves trapped in a cycle of deprivation, where access to basic necessities and a stable environment are often luxuries.

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sport for good cta5

Empowering Futures Through Collaborative Support

Goods For Good unites corporate and charity partners in a collaborative event that will impact hundreds of disadvantaged children in Hertfordshire, showcasing the transformative power of collective action.

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