Our response in Ukraine continues

We are working tirelessly to respond to the crisis in Ukraine. Working closely with corporate organisations and our charity partners on the ground to ensure that we can respond quickly to those in desperate need. 

Following an SOS from the Humanitarian Aid Head Quarters in Odessa, Ukraine, we responded swiftly, mobilising three trucks of aid within a matter of hours of the request.

The trucks were loaded with wet wipes, PPE and surgical goods, as well as non-perishable food items. We are so grateful to inKind Direct, Hertfordshire County Council and HIS CHURCH for supporting with donations and to our partner SEKO Logistics, who organised the transportation of goods to Odessa. 

As the need continues, we are also responding to requests from Moldova for clothing for those evacuees who have fled across the border with little or no belongings.  Working with the Bushey Gives Back committee we are currently working to fulfil this request.

There are currently over 160,000 refugees from Ukraine registered in the UK for protection and we have been working with a number of partner charities to support those individuals and families as they arrive we have been working with Sebby's Corner, providing goodie bags, teddies and colouring sets donated by Harrods to the 167 orphans and their carers from Ukraine who will be located in the north of England.  With thanks to Vodafone we have also distributed 3,000 SIM cards to newly arrived evacuees across England and Wales.

 As always, our team remains agile and ready to respond; in the last month we as quickly as we've supplied over £200K-worth of goods donated from very generous corporate organisations to 83 charity partners for our work in the UK and internationally.


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