Back To School

Goods For Good believes that no child should be disadvantaged because of their family’s financial situation and that’s why we're asking you to support our Back to School campaign this year. 

Every year Goods For Good support families in the Watford and Greater London area as they prepare for the new school year. This year, as record numbers of parents struggle to afford to buy school uniforms, we're asking you to support our Back to School campaign by helping us deliver school uniforms and stationery to those who need it the most.

The aim of the campaign

The aim of the campaign is simple:  to extend a helping hand to those who need it the most by delivering school uniforms and stationery to children whose families are facing the brunt of the cost of living crisis. 

In-work poverty is the highest it has been in 20 years and in a typical classroom of 30 children, nine are living in poverty - Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s state of the nation report.

Meet Lilly

Lilly is just one of the mothers we've been able to support previously through our Back to School campaign. When we met Lilly, she was living in a bedroom in a hostel with her three sons. Not only was Lilly's living situation challenging, which exacerbated her poor mental health, she was also struggling financially to feed and clothe her three sons as well as pay for travel to get them to school. 

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How you can support us

It's easy! Your support can make a world of difference. By supporting our Back to School campaign, you can help us ensure that every child starts the school year with the tools they need to succeed. Your contribution, no matter the size, will directly impact the lives of countless children in the Watford and Greater London area, giving them hope for a better tomorrow. When you make a donation to Goods For Good, you’re not only providing parents, like Lilly, with necessary items for their children, you’re giving them hope when they are struggling financially and emotionally. Donate today, and be a part of this transformative journey towards a brighter, more equitable future.


The power of collective goodwill cannot be underestimated, and a small contribution can go a long way in ensuring that no child's education is compromised due to financial constraints. By donating to our Back To School campaign, you can play an integral role in alleviating some of the burden for these families, enabling their children to embark on the academic year with confidence and enthusiasm.


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