Mobilising a community to achieve the extraordinary

Within 24-hours of the Türkiye-Syria earthquake Goods For Good mobilised, joining forces with Magen David Adom (fellow humanitarian aid charity) and the Humanitarian Resources International Foundation (HRIF) we achieved the seemingly impossible.

As hundreds of lorries stacked up at the Turkish borders, without the correct permissions to enter with aid, Goods For Good incredibly filled a flight, donated by Virgin Atlantic, with 64 pallets of clothing and other essential supplies, including more than 30,000 coats and blankets and almost a tonne (990kg) of infant milk powder.  Within a week of the disaster, vital aid was airlifted to Adna, a city approximately 115 miles from the epicentre of the earthquake in Gaziantep province.   

When communities come together they have the power to do extraordinary things. As a humanitarian aid charity we depend on the goodwill and collaboration of corporates and the community to provide our emergency response in these human catastrophes.

Rosalind Bluestone, Founder &. CEO, Goods For Good

This is still a life and death situation and Goods For Good are now channeling our efforts to secure a second aircraft. Once we have enough items we will arrange for them to be collected from our Humanitarian Aid Hub in Northampton and delivered to our charity partners on the ground in the earthquake regions.

Our Emergency Response Fund is a special reserve set up to allow us to respond quickly to SOS appeals, such as the recent earthquake in Türkiye (Turkey) and Syria and conflict in Ukraine. By setting up a regular donation of £10 per month, you will be supporting our efforts responding to the needs of those who been affected around the world by war, conflict or natural disaster. 

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