United For Relief: Collaborative Efforts To Support Moldova's Most Vulnerable

I have travelled “back in time” many times before to Ukraine, Moldova and the Eastern European countries in the past. But somehow this trip was different. It was different for two reasons:  The first reason being that I travelled with Maria Ledous, Uniqlo’s Head of Sustainability,  who had never been to this country before. She accompanied me on a fact finding visit, so that she could see how we work in Moldova with our three partner charities – and to see the dire need, with her own eyes. A fresh set of eyes, that would help determine how Uniqlo could best support us here. The second reason was to meet our newest charity partners in Moldova, Hope4, a UK registered charity living and working in Kishinev,  and working in Moldova and Ukraine. In total, we have three charity partners in the country and they are all collaborating to get as many essential goods out to vulnerable people in need.  

As a mother, a grandmother and a human being, it is very difficult for me to see children who are neglected, who lack the basic amenities that they need to thrive and grow, who may have been abused, either living at home, or in orphanages. It is very difficult for me to meet some mothers who are abused by their husbands and live in fear of their lives.

Rosalind Bluestone, Founder and CEO, Goods For Good

Whilst we were there, three trucks of brand new, best quality, sports footwear and clothing were delivered by us, from My 1st Year’s warehouse in Northampton. It was great to see these goods arrive and to be immediately unloaded in time for the first event, which was for a distribution to over 200 Ukrainian evacuees, and for family and orphanage visits. A warm welcome was given to us on our arrival to a hostel for Ukrainian mothers and their children, having fled the horrors of war. The Hope4 team as  visitors, we were greeted with much excitement, especially with a new delivery of art materials for the budding artists. 

The lush green countryside of Moldova hides many secrets of suffering and deprivation.  As a mother, a grandmother and a human being, it is very difficult for me to see children who are neglected. It is very difficult for me to see children who lack the basic amenities that they need to thrive and grow. It is very difficult for me to see children who may have been abused, either living at home, or in orphanages. It is very difficult for me to meet some mothers who are abused by their husbands and live in fear of their lives.

Not having a toilet or running water inside the house is pretty much standard in many of these small, neglected houses in Eastern European countries, out in the lush green countryside.  A stark contrast, with a harsh reality. Of course, we cannot change this, however by providing essential goods it certainly helps families provide the basics for their children to be able to go to school.

The strength of our partnerships

Working with reliable charity partners on the ground is the essence of what we do in all the places we work. At a visit to the JDC campus, we were welcomed by Viorelia and Violetta  to a hive of activity, which included a distribution of goods to families in need of footwear and clothing for their small children. They enthused how the goods we’d sent prior to the outbreak of war had clothed up to 1200 people daily, who they had helped at their transit camp.  Many traumatised mothers and elderly people had fled Ukraine, without the appropriate clothing, and had been helped along the way, with a warm clothing and vital essentials for their children.  In the basement room of the campus, which is funded by the USA, Maria and I took part in games with the elderly, to stimulate memory. They too thanked us for the clothing they regularly receive.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to you for the immeasurable support of Goods for Good in carrying out social projects in the Republic of Moldova. Thanks to your support, charitable acts and generosity, many qualitative changes have taken place in the lives of many vulnerable families in our country, to whom you have given hope, joy and warmth.

Adrian Belîi,Chairperson,Committee of Social Protection, Health and Family, Republica Moldova

Tanya from another local charity, AO Aici Pentru Tine, took us to meet the Minister for Social Affairs at the Moldova Parliament building, where they acknowledged the important work and far reach of the charity in remote regions.
Working with Hope4, we witnessed a charity who deliver a lot more than practical help.  We were humbled by a team that shares diligently with our other Moldovan charity partners, and delivers essentials with compassion love and great efficiency.

Our work in Moldova

Moldova, despite its proximity to the UK, remains one of the poorest countries in Europe, grappling with a myriad of challenges stemming from economic hardship. Poverty is pervasive, with a significant portion of the population living below the poverty line. High unemployment rates further compound the issue, leaving families struggling to put food on the table and vulnerable individuals susceptible to abuse and exploitation. Heartbreakingly, many young women and girls have been coerced into sex trafficking. 

Goods For Good have been constant in the support we provide to our charity partners in the region. Since the charity started in 2014, we have supported thousands of individuals and families. While we might not be able to tackle the root causes of of the issues faced, every contribution we make, whether it's providing essential goods or offering support to local initiatives, makes an enormous difference in the lives of those facing extraordinary hardship. If you would like to support our work, there are a number of ways you can get involved.

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